The next AusNOG conference is only four months away, scheduled to be
held at The Langham, Melbourne, on 7 & 8 September 2017, so we are
making our first call for presentations of interest to the Internet
operations community. Previous feedback has suggested that attendees
would like more content from the community so we'd like to encourage
members of the community to submit more proposals, especially if you
haven't previously presented!

Internet operations is a broad topic but some areas of interest are:

* Improving the redundancy/resiliency/sustainability of your network
* Using automation to improve service reliability
* Taking the network operations BCP to the next level
* Using 'offline' communications tools to keep the network working
* Evolution in network architectures and scaling issues
* Analysis of relevant major operational events of the year

Naturally other topics that are of interest to the network operator
community are also welcome but presentations of a purely marketing
nature are not welcome at this technical event.

Notes to presenters

Preference will be given to presentations that result in actual
operational outcomes.

Session speakers should be prepared to present for 30 minutes.
Keynote speakers will be expected to present for 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Short presentations of strong operational content are also acceptable.
Please note any timing constraints when submitting a presentation.

By submitting a presentation for consideration in the AusNOG 2017
programme, and if selected the presenter will allow AusNOG to:

* Take photographs of the presentation and presenter
* Record and rebroadcast video and audio of the presentation and
* Redistribute the presentation slides, audio, video, and photographs
  electronically, on the AusNOG website, or otherwise but leaving
  all intellectual property in the hands of presenter or rightful
  property holder[1].


12 June: Submission of presentation title, presentation description
          (300 words), and presenter biography (200-400 words)

10 July: Presenters notified of their acceptance status as an
          AusNOG 2017 presentation.

30 August: Submission of final presentation slides as Portable Document
           Format (pdf), PowerPoint, or Keynote. Provision of a
           recent digital photograph (<500k) of the presenter.

All submissions must be sent by email to organisers AT ausnog DOT net.

A separate call for lightning talks will be made closer to the AusNOG
2017 event. As in previous years you must be registered to attend AusNOG
2017 in order to be considered for a lightning talk.

[1]: AusNOG accepts that some speakers are unable to allow us to archive
their presentation due to company or corporate policy, and if the
situation arises AusNOG will delete all copies in its possession after
the presentation.

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