Just because a "fancy" traceroute tool does ARIN, RIPE or APNIC lookups, or
uses a third party geolocation tool such as Maxmind to determine who owns a
given netblock, does not mean that each hop of the traceroute is going
through that country...

It's just saying "this block of IPs is owned by Telia, which is based in
Europe". If you look at the reverse DNS for the route they have used fairly
common abbreviations to denote that this link goes city-to-city within
North America.

Also you would probably notice if your end to end latency from Quebec to
Oregon was taking a round trip through Europe. I bet your RTT ping to the
end point AWS IP in Oregon is low enough that the currently known laws of
physics would prohibit it from taking a round trip through an atlantic
cable and back again.


On Mon, May 1, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Florin Andrei <flo...@andrei.myip.org>

> Phil,
> The traceroute was done by a coworker in Quebec on April 26, from one of
> our corporate offices. His IP address was probably at the
> time. He was tracing one of our endpoints in AWS us-west-2; I do not know
> which IPs our endpoint had at the time, but one of its current IPs is
> This is the trace as he described it:
> Route
> - #1: 2.7 ms
>   IP Address:
>   Hostname: local
>   TTL: 64
> - #2: 34.8 ms
>   IP Address:
>   TTL: 50
> - #3: 17.3 ms
>   IP Address:
>   TTL: 250
> - #4: 16.7 ms
>   IP Address:
>   Hostname: 0.xe-11-1-0.er1.mtl7.ebox.ca
>   TTL: 249
>   AS Number: AS1403
>   AS Name: EBOX
>   Country Name: Canada
>   Country Code: CA
>   Time Zone: America/Toronto
>   Region: Quebec
>   City: Vieux-Saint-Laurent
>   Latitude: 45.475
>   Longitude: -73.696
> - #5: 15.6 ms
>   IP Address:
>   Hostname: motl-b1-link.telia.net
>   TTL: 248
>   AS Number: AS1299
>   AS Name: Telia Company AB
>   Country Name: Europe
>   Country Code: EU
>   Time Zone: Europe/Vaduz
> - #6: 31.8 ms
>   IP Address:
>   Hostname: nyk-bb4-link.telia.net
>   TTL: 247
>   AS Number: AS1299
>   AS Name: Telia Company AB
>   Country Name: Europe
>   Country Code: EU
>   Time Zone: Europe/Vaduz
> - #7: 47.7 ms
>   IP Address:
>   Hostname: chi-b21-link.telia.net
>   TTL: 246
>   AS Number: AS1299
>   AS Name: Telia Company AB
>   Country Name: Europe
>   Country Code: EU
>   Time Zone: Europe/Vaduz
> - #8: 89.7 ms
>   IP Address:
>   Hostname: sea-b1-link.telia.net
>   TTL: 245
>   AS Number: AS1299
>   AS Name: Telia Company AB
>   Country Name: Europe
>   Country Code: EU
>   Time Zone: Europe/Vaduz
> - #9: 90.7 ms
>   IP Address:
>   Hostname: amazon-ic-302508-sea-b1.c.telia.net
>   TTL: 244
>   AS Number: AS1299
>   AS Name: Telia Company AB
>   Country Name: Europe
>   Country Code: EU
>   Time Zone: Europe/Vaduz
> - #10: 86.3 ms
>   IP Address:
>   TTL: 239
>   Country Name: United States
>   Country Code: US
>   Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles
>   Region: Washington
>   City: Seattle
>   Latitude: 47.634
>   Longitude: -122.342
> - #11: 80.8 ms
>   IP Address:
>   TTL: 241
>   Country Name: United States
>   Country Code: US
>   Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles
>   Region: Washington
>   City: Seattle
>   Latitude: 47.634
>   Longitude: -122.342
> - #12: 86.1 ms
>   IP Address:
>   TTL: 240
>   Country Name: United States
>   Country Code: US
>   Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles
>   Region: Washington
>   City: Seattle
>   Latitude: 47.610
>   Longitude: -122.334
> - #13: 94.3 ms
>   IP Address:
>   TTL: 235
>   Country Name: United States
>   Country Code: US
>   Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles
>   Region: Oregon
>   City: Boardman
>   Latitude: 45.870
>   Longitude: -119.688
> - #14: 86.5 ms
>   IP Address:
>   TTL: 238
>   Country Name: United States
>   Country Code: US
>   Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles
>   Region: Oregon
>   City: Boardman
>   Latitude: 45.870
>   Longitude: -119.688
> - #15: 111.7 ms
>   IP Address:
>   TTL: 234
>   Country Name: United States
>   Country Code: US
>   Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles
>   Region: Oregon
>   City: Boardman
>   Latitude: 45.870
>   Longitude: -119.688
> - #16: 92.6 ms
>   IP Address:
>   TTL: 234
>   Country Name: United States
>   Country Code: US
>   Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles
>   Region: Oregon
>   City: Boardman
>   Latitude: 45.870
>   Longitude: -119.688
> - #17: 88.3 ms
>   IP Address:
>   TTL: 236
>   Country Name: United States
>   Country Code: US
>   Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles
>   Region: Oregon
>   City: Boardman
>   Latitude: 45.870
>   Longitude: -119.688
> - #18: N/A
>   TTL: 0
> We expected that trace to go straight East Coast / West Coast, but instead
> it went through Europe.
> For comparison, this is a trace also by same coworker to api.postmates.com,
> which was correctly routed on the shortest geographical path (more or less):
> Route
> - #1: 3.0 ms
>   IP Address:
>   Hostname: local
>   TTL: 64
> - #2: 29.0 ms
>   IP Address:
>   TTL: 50
> - #3: 17.9 ms
>   IP Address:
>   TTL: 250
> - #4: 19.7 ms
>   IP Address:
>   Hostname: 0.xe-11-1-0.er1.mtl7.ebox.ca
>   TTL: 249
>   AS Number: AS1403
>   AS Name: EBOX
>   Country Name: Canada
>   Country Code: CA
>   Time Zone: America/Toronto
>   Region: Quebec
>   City: Vieux-Saint-Laurent
>   Latitude: 45.475
>   Longitude: -73.696
> - #5: 17.7 ms
>   IP Address:
>   TTL: 248
>   AS Number: AS1403
>   AS Name: EBOX
>   Country Name: Canada
>   Country Code: CA
>   Time Zone: America/Toronto
>   Region: Quebec
>   City: Longueuil
>   Latitude: 45.518
>   Longitude: -73.502
> - #6: 18.0 ms
>   IP Address:
>   Hostname: cloudflare.peer.qix.ca
>   TTL: 247
>   Country Name: Canada
>   Country Code: CA
>   Time Zone: America/Toronto
>   Region: Quebec
>   City: Montreal
>   Latitude: 45.501
>   Longitude: -73.568
> - #7: 17.6 ms
>   IP Address:
>   Hostname: api.postmates.com
>   TTL: 55
>   AS Number: AS13335
>   AS Name: CloudFlare
>   Country Name: United States
>   Country Code: US
>   Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles
>   Region: California
>   City: San Francisco
>   Latitude: 37.770
>   Longitude: -122.393
> On 2017-04-28 17:05, Phillip McGuire wrote:
>> Hey Florin,
>> Do you have a traceroute showing the issue? FYI, you can test against any
>> of the IPs listed here under US-West-2, they all respond to ICMP requests.
>> http://ec2-reachability.amazonaws.com/
>> -Phil
>> On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 1:33 PM, Florin Andrei <flo...@andrei.myip.org>
>> wrote:
>> On 2017-04-28 13:28, Niels Bakker wrote:
>>> * flo...@andrei.myip.org (Florin Andrei) [Fri 28 Apr 2017, 21:12 CEST]:
>>>> I've seen a few strange instances where IP addresses in the AWS
>>>>> us-west-2 region (Oregon) are routed through Europe if you start the
>>>>> traceroute from some providers in the northern East Coast (Quebec, New
>>>>> York). Any idea what's going on? I assume it's temporary.
>>>> Can you be a little bit more vague in your problem description?  While
>>>> ommitting the source networks from where you tried, you still included
>>>> the destination.  The list expects better.
>>> Sorry. Here's one source:
>>> --
>>> Florin Andrei
>>> http://florin.myip.org/
> --
> Florin Andrei
> http://florin.myip.org/

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