On Wed, 2017-04-05 at 18:08 +0000, Josh Niec wrote:
> If there is a Verizon Email Admin around, would you be able to contact me
> off-list about whitelisting a /24 network we have?  We have tried going
> through the Verizon whitelist ISP form online, as well as contacting
> numerous groups at Verizon without any success over the past few months.

Hi Josh,

The form's been broken for months. If you create an account on their forum
(https://forums.verizon.com/t5/Verizon-net-Email/bd-p/emailissues) and
raise your issue there, a support-rep will engage with you privately.


Ken O'Driscoll / We Monitor Email
t: +353 1 254 9400 | w: www.wemonitoremail.com

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