Has there been some assessment of how justified have those seeking the
"right to be forgotten" been in becoming forgotten? By doing so does it
risk changing the record in a way that is not beneficial to the
community and historical record?

I warmly second the plaudit and thanks to Brandon for his support of
UKNOF.  He has played a very substantial part in making UKNOF what it is

> Chris Russell <mailto:ch...@nifry.com>
> 14 March 2017 at 08:23
>  We've had this within UKNOF ... sometimes people do not wish to be
> recorded, mainly due to confidentiality reasons (ie: advance heads up,
> or personal thoughts delivered to a specific audience).   Occasionally
> we have been asked to remove recordings at a later date due to
> changing circumstances etc.
>  We explicitly mention the webcast/records on abstract submissions
> from memory, and also recently introduced shepherding to help
> presentations be more relevant (both to the speakers to help them in
> pushing a $clue or message, to our audience to ensure relevance and to
> us in terms of protection from litigation, etc). This applies to both
> submitted AND sponsor talks (the latter being incredibly useful and
> has shown a major increase in sponsor talk relevance and feedback
> ratings).
>  People will always mention a lack of recording/webcast for this type
> of content ... but then arguably that is a driver to attend in person.
> Thanks
> Chris
> (UKNOF PC Chair)
> Patrick W. Gilmore <mailto:patr...@ianai.net>
> 13 March 2017 at 22:10
> <speaking only for myself>
> Speakers are informed they are going to be recorded. If they have
> sensitive information, they can choose a track and ask it not be
> recorded. NANOG has done this in the past, but you should talk to the
> Program Committee if you are interested in this.
> Steve Feldman <mailto:feld...@twincreeks.net>
> 13 March 2017 at 22:06
> Many attendees also find value in the parts of the conference that
> aren't recorded, like hallway conversations, informal meetings, and
> even social events.
> Keeping and maintaining the archive of slides and video recordings is
> an essential part of NANOG's educational mission, which was key to
> obtaining and maintaining the IRS 401(c)(3) nonprofit status.
> So at least for the time I was on the Board, not only were there no
> regrets, but we worked hard to maintain and enhance the video experience.
> Steve
> Mike Hammett <mailto:na...@ics-il.net>
> 13 March 2017 at 21:52
> Another organization I'm in has a hard policy of no recordings of any
> sessions at their conferences. They think that recordings of content
> (even vendor-sponsored, vendor-specific sessions with vendor consent)
> would have a catastrophic effect on conference attendance.
> NANOG doesn't seem to have that issue. Any background on the process
> to get there? Any regrets?
> -----
> Mike Hammett
> Intelligent Computing Solutions
> Midwest Internet Exchange
> The Brothers WISP

Christian de Larrinaga  FBCS, CITP,
@ FirstHand
+44 7989 386778

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