On Wed, Mar 01, 2017 at 10:49:07AM +0000, Nagarjun Govindraj via NANOG wrote:
> Is it possible to maintian an IRR database locally for quering route
> objects from various RIR's and do a regular sync like what RPKI validator
> does for ROA's.

IRRExplorer's database is available as json blob, if you are only
interested in route objects & as-sets this might be of use to you.
IRRexplorer talks NRTM with various databases, and these dumps are
refreshed every few minutes.

wget http://irrexplorer.nlnog.net/static/dumps/irrexplorer-routes.json.bz2
wget http://irrexplorer.nlnog.net/static/dumps/irrexplorer-as_sets.json.bz2

Kind regards,


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