                       CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS

              May 22-26, 2017 – Foz do Iguazu, Brasil
        More information:  http://interconexion.lacnic.net

LACNIC (http://www.lacnic.net) is an international organization based in
Montevideo, Uruguay, responsible for administrating IP address space,
Reverse Resolution, Autonomous System Numbers and other resources for
the region of Latin America and the Caribbean on behalf of the Internet

The Regional Interconnection Forum (formerly known as NAPLA), is a
discussion forum that includes an annual meeting held within the
framework of LACNIC's main annual event.

The LACNIC 27 event (http://www.lacnic.net/web/eventos/lacnic27) will be
held in Foz do Iguazu (Brasil) on 22-26 May, 2017, so we are calling the
Internet community to submit proposals for presentations that could be
included on the 2017 Regional Interconnection Forum's program.

The topics of interest for the event include, but are not limited to,
the following:

* Internet Exchange Points (IXPs): current status, future projects, new
services, public policies, multimedia peering,.

* Regional Connectivity: the role of governments, submarine and
terrestrial cables, traffic measurements, current and future needs.

* Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): strategies of deployment and
presence within the region, peering policies, impact on local and
regional traffic,

* Cloud services: impact on local and regional traffic, availability,
growth, future projects in the LAC region.

* Other critical infrastructure: DNS root servers, ccTLDs and gTLDs.

* Technical topics: best BGP routing practices, analysis of faults and
attacks having major impacts on traffic.

* Current issues: impact on local or regional traffic of high-interest
events (e.g., availability / unavailability of services, natural
disasters, sports events of high interest, etc).


Those interested in presenting a proposal should send an email to
comite.fir@ lacnic.net containing the following information in the text
of the message:

* Presentation title.
* General summary.
* An attachment with a draft of the slides or an extended abstract of
the article / work submitted. This text should not exceed one thousand
(1000) words.
* Estimated time of the presentation.
* Authors' details (full name, email address and company/organization
they represent)
* Specify whether at least one of the authors can guarantee their
attendance at the event, or whether this depends on the possibility of
obtaining financial assistance from the event's organizers (see "Speaker

In addition, the following considerations should be taken into account:

* Proposals may be submitted in English, Portuguese or Spanish.
* Proposals must be submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF).
* Scanned documents will not be accepted.
* Presentations may not be longer than 20 minutes. The time allocated
may be different than requested.
* The Evaluation Committee may, at its sole discretion, request
additional information, which must be sent promptly.


The Evaluation Committee created for this purpose shall evaluate
proposals based on the following basic criteria:

* Originality
* Value of sharing the experience
* Technical quality
* Relevance
* Possibility of generalized application
* Presentation
* Applicability
* Importance of the development


* Roque Gagliano (UY)
* Milton Kashiwakura (BR)
* Hernan Arcidiacono (AR)
* Mauricio Oviedo (CR)
* Gabriel Adonaylo (AR)
* Christian O'Flaherty (AR)
* Carlos Martínez (UY)
* Fabián Mejía (EC)


The registration fee will be waived for those authors whose proposals
are accepted and included in the program. However, speaker travel and
accommodation expenses will not be covered.

Those requiring financial assistance to attend the event may apply for
such assistance when LACNIC opens the corresponding application period.
Please note that acceptance of a proposal does NOT imply that the
author(s) will be granted financial assistance, although the submission
of a proposal may be considered a plus during the recipient selection

For more information, please check out the Financial Assistance section
on the event's website: (http://www.lacnic.net/web/eventos/lacnic27) or
check with LACNIC staff at be...@lacnic.net


* Deadline for proposal reception:
  Sunday, 12 March 2017

* Notification of acceptance:
  Week of March 13, 2017

* Deadline for submitting the final version of the presentation:
  Friday, 12 May, 2017

Kind regards,

Fabian Mejia
Regional Interconnection Forum

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