On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 03:28:11 +0000, Kraig Beahn said:

> NANOG note: Our objective in starting this tread is not to question the
> intent, moral purpose or potential political agendas surrounding Florida
> House Bill 337 or bills of similar nature, only it's technical impact on
> device manufacturers, internet access providers and other alike
> legislatively covered businesses, assuming passage, as currently written.

At least one version of this bill allows the consumer to opt-out - by appearing
at the manufacturer or wholesaler (*not* retailer) *in person* (to prove they
are of legal age etc) and request being opted out.

There's also requirements that the manufacturers maintain an updated block list,
with penalties for failure to do so.

Those of you who provide CPE gear should ponder where that leaves you...

Bonus points for figuring out what this effectively means for devices
actually assembled in China for sale in the US...

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