Dear Baldur,

> I find that the type of outage that affects our network the most is neither 
> of the two options you describe. As is probably typical for smaller networks, 
> we do not have redundant uplinks to all of our transits. If a transit link 
> goes, for example because we had to reboot a router, traffic is supposed to 
> reroute to the remaining transit links. Internally our network handles this 
> fairly fast for egress traffic.
> However the problem is the ingress traffic - it can be 5 to 15 minutes before 
> everything has settled down. This is the time before everyone else on the 
> internet has processed that they will have to switch to your alternate 
> transit.

Thanks a lot for your input. Indeed, that case is a bit special. I’d say it is 
a kind of remote outage that remote ASes experience towards your prefix and, as 
such, requires a "BGP-only” convergence. I guess if your prefixes going via 
alternate transit are not visible at all prior to the switch (and I guess not), 
this is a kind of “extreme” convergence where routes have to be 
withdrawn/updated Internet-wide. This reminds me of the paper by Craig Labovitz 
et al. 
which I think classify these events as Tlong ("An active route with a short 
ASPath is implicitly replaced with a new route possessing a longer ASPath. This 
represents both a route failure and failover”). And indeed, these are the 
second slowest just before the withdraw of a prefix Internet-wide.

You’re right that our survey targets more the case in which large bursts of 
UPDATEs/WITHDRAWs are exchanged. I guess a parallel case to the one you mention 
could be that your prime transit performs a planned maintenance (or experiences 
a failure) that triggers the sending of WITHDRAWs for your prefixes out.

> The only solution I know of is to have redundant links to all transits. Going 
> forward I will make sure we have this because it is a huge disadvantage not 
> being able to take a router out of service without causing downtime for all 
> users. Not to mention that a router crash or link failure that should have 
> taken seconds at most to reroute, but instead causes at least 5 minutes of 
> unstable internet.

Maybe you could advertise better routes (i.e., with shorter AS-PATHs/longer 
prefixes) via the alternate transit prior to the take down? Ideally, if you 
could somehow make your primary transit switch to use an alternate transit 
prior to the maintenance (maybe with a special community?), you could 
completely avoid a disruption. This would go into the direction of minimizing 
the amount of WITHDRAWs in favor of UPDATEs. But, of course, this would only 
work in the case of planned maintenance.

We would definitely welcome more input on the convergence issue you face!


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