You will want to request an OTDR characterization of the dark fiber path from its owner. If you can post OTDR "shots" with full resolution images in a lossless image format to the list, we may be able to take a guess if the distance is feasible without amplification inline.
For equipment choices you're looking at the usual vendors for DWDM long haul ROADM chassis such as Ciena, Adva, Huawei, ZTE, Infinera, etc. If you simply want to do point to point DWDM mux:demux on the 250km fiber, your choices will be different than if you want the ability to insert a chassis at an intermediate location and drop or insert wavelengths. It may be possible, at a lower cost than buying 100GbE capable DWDM chassis type systems, to do a single router-to-router linecard link with coherent 100GbE signal with FEC on the 250km path. Again this will totally depend on the OTDR results and link budget available. On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 4:14 PM, Jeremy <> wrote: > Hi all, > > First, i'm sorry for my english, i'm french and i don't have a good level > in this language. But i want some informations and i'm sure, someone will > be give the good anwser about my question. > > So, i'm regarding to rent a dual dark fiber in France, the estimated > distance is 225 Km, but i know there are a lot of optical switching on the > highway where it's fiber is installed (in theory, all 80 Km). So, i used > the bad scenario, in adding 25 Km on my need. > > I would like to buy a amplificator and multiplexer DWDM to add some 10Gb/s > waves on this dark fiber. I've see that the amplification is better on 100 > Gb/s synchronised ports, but we don't have enoug capacity on our router to > add 100 Gb/s interfaces. > > So, someone has installed this type of hardware on a dark fiber without > regeneration on 250 Km of distance ? > If yes, with what kind of hardware ? If you are commercial for this > hardware, please contact me in private message. > > Thanks you for your time, > Jérémy > AS197922 > >