Tested again from four different networks. Not working for me.

Same in other web sites hosted by 1&1 (for example www.legalveritas.es). All 
their IPv6 web sites are broken, every time I need to access their web sites, 
need to disable IPv6, I know how to do that, but regular folks not.

tbit from 2001:df0:4:4000::1:115 to 2001:8d8:100f:f000::2d5
server-mss 1420, result: pmtud-fail
app: http, url: http://diskmakerx.com/
[  0.010] TX SYN             64  seq = 0:0            
[  0.286] RX SYN/ACK         64  seq = 0:1            
[  0.286] TX                 60  seq = 1:1            
[  0.297] TX                233  seq = 1:1(173)        
[  0.573] RX                 60  seq = 1:174          
[  0.799] RX               1480  seq = 1:174(1420)    
[  0.799] RX                 73  seq = 1421:174(13)    
[  0.799] RX               1480  seq = 1434:174(1420)  
[  0.799] RX               1480  seq = 2854:174(1420)  
[  0.799] TX PTB           1280  mtu = 1280
[  0.799] RX               1480  seq = 4274:174(1420)  
[  0.799] RX               1480  seq = 5694:174(1420)  
[  0.799] RX               1480  seq = 7114:174(1420)  
[  0.801] RX               1480  seq = 8534:174(1420)  
[  0.809] TX                 60  seq = 174:1          
[  0.821] RX               1480  seq = 9954:174(1420)  
[  0.824] RX               1480  seq = 11374:174(1420)
[  1.628] RX               1480  seq = 1:174(1420)    
[  1.629] TX PTB           1280  mtu = 1280
[  3.288] RX               1480  seq = 1:174(1420)    
[  3.288] TX PTB           1280  mtu = 1280
[  6.612] RX               1480  seq = 1:174(1420)    
[  6.612] TX PTB           1280  mtu = 1280
[ 13.252] RX               1480  seq = 1:174(1420)    


-----Mensaje original-----
De: Mark Andrews <ma...@isc.org>
Responder a: <ma...@isc.org>
Fecha: lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016, 1:26
Para: Carl Byington <c...@five-ten-sg.com>
CC: <jordi.pa...@consulintel.es>, <nanog@nanog.org>
Asunto: Re: pay.gov and IPv6

    In message <1479686835.13553.4.ca...@ns.five-ten-sg.com>, Carl Byington 
    > Hash: SHA512
    > On Sun, 2016-11-20 at 10:51 +0100, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote:
    > > For example, you will not get this working if you have a lower MTU
    > > than 1.500, which is quite normal, not just for tunnels, but also
    > > because the PPP/others encapsulation in many access links:
    > > http://diskmakerx.com/
    > curl -6 -v http://diskmakerx.com/
    > That works here via an he.net tunnel. Perhaps 1and1 fixed something.
    And the advertised MSS was what?  On my box I'm seeing 1220 for
    IPv6 compared with 1460 for IPv4.  1220 shouldn't see PMTU problems.
    1460 on the other hand will cause problems as more clients are
    forced behind IPv4 as a service links.
    11:14:50.056215 IP > Flags [S], seq 
2115844511, win 65535, options [mss 1460,nop,wscale 4,nop,nop,TS val 538455715 
ecr 0,sackOK,eol], length 0
    11:14:50.137770 IP6 2001:470:a001:4:c00d:3d8c:14e7:6de3.52282 > 
2001:8d8:100f:f000::2d5.80: Flags [S], seq 4181372812, win 65535, options [mss 
1220,nop,wscale 4,nop,nop,TS val 538455793 ecr 0,sackOK,eol], length 0
    > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
    > Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)
    > iEYEAREKAAYFAlgyOp4ACgkQL6j7milTFsFslACfaRbslKuUHrxGJyuI+j8X/Sle
    > AZ8AoIg2wF/GWBdDtphQSuD9/gGMDfOA
    > =4nAp
    > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    Mark Andrews, ISC
    1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
    PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: ma...@isc.org

IPv4 is over
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The IPv6 Company

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