In message <>, Brett Frankenberger <> wrote:
>On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 03:57:19PM -0800, Christopher Morrow wrote: >> So... actually someone did tell arin to aim these at >> ns1/ >> I'll go ask arin to 'fix the glitch'. > >For ... > >ARIN is delegating to ns[12] > >The NS records on the servers are pointing to >ns[12] > >> > Right, which is what I said. To borrow a word from our former Dear Leader, I misunderestimated the level of either (a) devilish deception or else (b) ordinary garden- variety sheer technical incompence on the part of the current illicit inhabitants of And really, I don't even give them much credit for brains, so it is probably the latter, which is somewhat depressing. I mean seriously.... geeezz! What's the world coming to? It seems that the clubs for the low-life deadbeat spammers and IP hijackers are letting *anybody* in these days. I am always annoyed by spam and spammers, but I get REALLY annoyed when I get spammed by nitwits who can't even find their own asses with both hands when it comes to something as simple as setiing up their DNS properly. Next thing you know, they'll be making bonehead novice mistakes like leaving out the trailing periods in the Right Places in their zone files. Honstly, there ought to be a law. If you're gonna spam me and use all these different levels and kinds of deception... massivley violating even the minimalist CAN-SPAM Act in the process... then at least have the courtesy, decency, and self-respect to at least do it in a workmanlike and competent fashion! I mean come on! And that includes the bogus info you put into your WHOIS records too! Seriously, I give you credit for at least picking out a valid random street address, somewhere in fly-over country, but if you're going to go to all the trouble to pick yourself out a domain name, set it all up and then somehow snooker ARIN into delegating an entire /21's worth of reverse DNS to it, then my god, at least pick out something that has an air of believability to it, you know, like or or something... not which is so totally and transparently bogus. And while you're at it, you should also at least make the WHOIS street address and the phone number area code line up, if not with the place you are pretending to be (Austin, TX) then at least with each other. Honestly, Christ! I've looked at enough phone numbers in enough spammer WHOIS records that I haven't needed to Google area code 702 in years to know that it ain't nowhere near Indianapolis. (Duh!) Look, spammers are gonna spam and hijackers are gonna hijack. We all know this, and for the most part, we've all come to accept it, because there are just too many crooks and/or too many incompetents at every level in the system to ever make it all go away. But if you're gonna spam and/or squat on IP space that clearly isn't your's, then at least have the dignity to actually *earn* your ill-gotten gains, you know, by setting up your deceptions properly. This crap in may fool the folks at ARIN, but nobody else is buying it, because you set it up so badly. You are a discredit to spammers and hijackers, and that's saying a lot. This is your "job" fer chrissake? Don't you have any pride? 'nuff said. P.S. Sorry for the rant everybody, but sometimes it just really gets to me when I see quite this level of stoopid in the spammer community. In general I loath and despise spammers, but for some of them at least, I have a grudging respect, because at least they are good at their jobs. But these guys ain't among them. Everything the've done here is so transparently bogus that my dog could spot it, and he's blind in one eye.