Consumers can always chose with their wallet. On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 2:03 AM, Jean-Francois Mezei <> wrote:
> On 2016-11-09 17:54, William Herrin wrote: > > > I think this discussion is premature. We can hypothesize any number of > > evils from the President Elect but until someone introduces a bill we > > can only tilt at windmills. > > > The president elect chose Mr Eisenach to help fill jobs in FCC and other > telecom areas of govt. > > Mr Eisenach is a regular "expert witness" hired by Telus in Canada at > CRTC hearing. In last week's CRTC hearing on net neutrality, he held his > very standard pro-incumbent stance against it. And the same arguments > will be used to convicne the USA to drop net neutrality to help foster > "dynamic competition" (euphemism for "unregulated duopoly"). > > It is a given that discussion on banning zero rating of content in USA > will not happen. > > It is highly possible that Title II reclassification of ISPs will be > revoked. > > Ted Cruz tried to block the IANA re-organisation. > > So the direction of where things will be going is fairly clear. > > AT&T announced zero rated video (aka T0-Mobile with throttling) just > after the election so they are quite confident this won't be blocked by > FCC. (although merger with Time Warner may be blocked). > > > >