We have a customer who have their /32 IPv6 block captcha blocked, and
also their /19 IPv4 have been blocked with captchas.
The big issue is that it doesn't help to solve the captchas, there is a
new one directly after and solving it gives a new one and so it goes on
till you move to Bing do do searches.
Even parts of their netblocks that arn't in use are blocked, and have
been for 3 weeks now.
We have tried to contact google, but no one gets back. There is no
useful information on how to solve the issue either.
Would be great to have a tool like SPAMhaus or other RBLs, where you as
a ISP can see the offending IPs and take care of the problem (if there
is one).
Fredrik Holmqvist
I2B (Internet 2 Business)
+46-70-740 5033