Ronald F. Guilmette <>:
> In message <>, 
> "Eric S. Raymond" <> wrote:
> >Ronald F. Guilmette <>:
> >>                         Two kids with a modest amount of knowledge
> >> and a lot of time on their hands can do it from their mom's basement.
> >
> >I in turn have to call BS on this.  If it were really that easy, we'd
> >be inundated by Mirais -- we'd have several attacks a *day*.
> You need to get out more.
> It *is* happening every day.  You just don't hear about it on CNN because
> a "little"  80Mbps DDoS isn't even worthy of a headline anymore, even
> though such an attack could CRUSH a local bank, and even many regional
> banks into utter oblivion.
> Now, where did I put those bitcoins...  It's ransom time!

Don't change the subject.  An effective DDoS against any single site is, though
concerning, not a Mirai-class event. The difference matters, and you shouldn't
be pretending it does to score rhetorical points.
                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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