NANOGers - Meeting attendees who register for NANOG 68 by close of business on Thursday, 13 October will be eligible to vote online in the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) election for the ARIN region.
(If you are also an ARIN eligible voting contact, please note that you will be able to vote in this same election beginning 20 October when voting opens for the ARIN Board of Trustees and ARIN Advisory Council elections.) The 2016 candidates for the one open seat on the NRO NC are: Robert J. Kenney Jason Schiller You can view candidate questionnaires and see/make Statements of Support at: You can learn more about the role of the NRO NC at: Note that all eligible NANOG 68 registered attendees will receive an email at 11:00 AM EDT on Monday 17 October with instructions on how to cast your ballot. The election closes at 3:00 PM EDT Friday 28 October and results will be announced the following week. Please visit the ARIN Elections Helpdesk onsite in Dallas if you have issues voting or contact us at "<>". Thanks for participating! /John John Curran President and CEO American Registry for Internet Numbers