On Wed, 22 Sep 2016, John Levine wrote:

For domain registration I found that joining the GoDaddy Domain Club
( $120/year or less if you pay ahead for multiple years [1] ) ...

There's a lot of registrars with prepay discounts.  Gandi's domains
are cheaper if you prepay $600, a lot cheaper if you prepay $2000.

 I see the discount, and $600 prepay IS cheaper than Gandi rates with NO
 prepay. But the other companies are still less expensive even with the
 Gandi prepay.

    TLD     NearlyFree      GoDaddy DDC         Gandi B Rates ($600)
    com      $9.34          $10.44                      $14.50
    org     $11.39          $14.14                      $16.20
    net     $10.54          $11.14                      $17.00
    info    $10.69          $12.14                      $15.55
    name     $8.99          $12.14                      $14.60
    biz     $11.19          $14.14                      $16.28

 Now if you get to $12,000 prepay, you get E Rates, where .com is $8.80 and
 .net is $11.00. Lower than most, but NearlyFree is still very competitive
 and even beats Gandi on a few TLDs at E Rates.

 I'm sure there are more benefits to Gandi over others than just price.

 I agree with the other poster that other dimensions are also important and
 valuable: support quality, security, policies, UI, ease of use,


NOTE: All rates quoted are RENEWAL rates, not transfer or new, as of
9/21/16. GoDaddy DDC rates are discounted and adjusted for 56 domains for
the DDC fee of $120 per year. More domains == lower prices.
Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
beck...@angryox.com                                 http://www.angryox.com/

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