What do most broadband platforms do for rate limiting? 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Matthew Walster" <matt...@walster.org> 
To: "George Skorup" <geo...@cbcast.com> 
Cc: "nanog list" <nanog@nanog.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 2:44:24 AM 
Subject: Re: CDN Overload? 

On 20 Sep 2016 9:14 am, "George Skorup" <geo...@cbcast.com> wrote: 


> Now lets move the Windows 10 updates. A 'buried in the sticks' customer 
on Canopy 900 FSK. 1.5Mbps/384k. Multiple streams from Microsoft and LLNW 
at the same time. LLNW alone had maybe 10 streams going and was sending at 
over 15Mbps on average and at worst about 25Mbps... to a 1.5Mbps 
subscriber. I could throw in a MikroTik queue upstream which only moved the 
problem as that 15-25Mbps was still hitting backhaul links. And when I have 
a 100Mbps link going into the site, 25Mbps is a lot. 

Maybe I'm being naive but this sounds like an issue primarily with buffers. 
Police rather than shape the traffic, and reduce the burst size, and a lot 
of this should disappear... 


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