> On Sep 13, 2016, at 12:22 AM, Bryant Townsend <bry...@backconnect.com> wrote: > > *Events that caused us to perform the BGP hijack*: After the DDoS attacks > subsided, the attackers started to harass us by calling in using spoofed > phone numbers. Curious to what this was all about, we fielded various calls > which allowed us to ascertain who was behind the attacks by correlating > e-mails with the information they provided over the phone. Throughout the > day and late into the night, these calls and threats continued to increase > in number. Throughout these calls we noticed an increasing trend of them > bringing up personal information of myself and employees. At this point I > personally filled a police report in preparation to a possible SWATing > attempt. As they continued to harass our company, more and more red flags > indicated that I would soon be targeted. This was the point where I decided > I needed to go on the offensive to protect myself, my partner, visiting > family, and my employees.
I think you're saying that the BGP hijack wasn't done in as part of an attempt to mitigate a DDoS, rather that you used the tools you had available to go on the offensive in response to phone calls you received. Am I reading that right? Cheers, Steve