Well "may" is not "must".

“260.34. An Internet service provider may not give access to an online
gambling site whose operation is not authorized under Québec law.

Alain Hebert                                aheb...@pubnix.net   
PubNIX Inc.        
50 boul. St-Charles
P.O. Box 26770     Beaconsfield, Quebec     H9W 6G7
Tel: 514-990-5911  http://www.pubnix.net    Fax: 514-990-9443

On 09/12/16 13:41, Jean-Francois Mezei wrote:
> As many may know, the province of Québec has passed a law to protect the
> interests of its lottery corporation.
> To do so, it will provide ISPs with list of web sites to block (aka:
> only allow its own gambing web site).
> There is an opportunity to comment this week in which I will submit.
> (I've gathered many arguments over the past little while already). But
> have a specific question today:
> Are there examples of an ISP getting sued because it redirected traffic
> that should have gone to original site ?
> For instance, user asks for www.google.com and ISP's DNS responds with
> an IP that points to a bing server?
> If the risk of a lawsuit is real, then it brings new dimension to
> arguments already made agains that (stupiod) Québec law.
> (And it also creates interesting issues for DNS servers from companies
> such as Google which may have a anycast server located in Québec but are
> not considered an ISP and won't receive those documenst from the gov
> with list of websites to block.

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