If public transit operators can put a breakable plexiglass shield over the
emergency door opening handle, on every bus, it's not a very high technical

On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 2:51 PM, Sean Donelan <s...@donelan.com> wrote:

> See that big red button on the wall under the sign "Do Not Push This
> Button!"....
> DC 911 outage caused by contractor error
> http://wtop.com/dc/2016/08/dc-911-outage-caused-by-contracto
> r-who-pulled-wrong-switch/
> WASHINGTON — D.C. is now operating two separate 911 centers after a power
> outage caused by human error left the nation’s capital without any
> emergency phone service for almost an hour on a busy weekend night.
> A contractor working Saturday night inadvertently pulled an emergency
> power shut off switch that cut electricity to the 911 phone system and a
> call routing system at the District’s Unified Communications Center, said
> the center’s Director Karima Holmes.
> “Unfortunately because it was human error we weren’t prepared for it,”
> Holmes said.
> [...]

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