Folks -

For those of you associated with ARIN member organizations, please note two 
important deadlines fast approaching - 31 August<x-apple-data-detectors://11> 
is the last day for ARIN Members to nominate candidates to serve on the ARIN 
Board of Trustees and/or Advisory Council.

Note that 31 August is also the last day to nominate candidates to represent 
the ARIN region on the NRO Number Council (and anyone in the community may make 
such a nomination.) Submit your nomination(s) at and find more information about ARIN 
elections at:

Each ARIN member organization may cast one ballot in the ARIN elections and 
voting is done by their Voting Contact on record. New this year, all Voting 
Contacts must be linked to an ARIN Online account in order to cast their 
ballot. 6 September<x-apple-data-detectors://14> is the deadline to have that 
account linked and otherwise ensure that your organization is eligible to vote. 
Information is available at: or please reach 
out to<> today with questions or 
requests for assistance.

Thanks for your time and interest in the governance of ARIN!

John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

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