
SNMPv3 uses TCP.

Also, I never said I had a daemon listening on port 161, the cable modem
would simply reboot if it saw a TCP SYN packet destined to port 161 to IP
address space sitting behind my cable modem.

FYI - Charter engineers responded to me indicating it's a known bug with
this Ubee modem and Ubee is working on a new revision of firmware to fix
the bug.

On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 11:11 AM, Mike <mike-na...@tiedyenetworks.com>

> On 08/24/2016 10:39 PM, Gabriel Kuri wrote:
>>   I was able to confirm my Ubee
>> was susceptible to this bug and would reboot by simply telneting to IP
>> space on port 161 behind the modem. I figured my random reboots were
>> related to random people port scanning my IP space throughout the day. I
>> called support to let them know and got them to bump it up to their
>> manager, who then referred it to a "technical specialist" that ended up
>> blocking port 161 on my cable modem.
> Not to be unhelpful, but SNMP is a UDP protocol, you can't "telnet" to
> port 161 and be talking to the snmp deamon on the device because it's not
> listening for that. If you do get a connection, there's really something
> wrong....
> --
> Mike Ireton
> WillitsOnline LLC

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