Let me know if you want samples. We can ship today.

> On Aug 17, 2016, at 12:50 PM, Stanislaw <m...@nek0.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there a way for unlocking off-brand transceivers usage on Arista switches?
> I've got an Arista 7050QX switch with 4.14 EOS version. Then it has been 
> found out that Arista switches seem to not have possibility to unlock 
> off-brand xcievers usage (by some service command or so).
> I've patched /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/XcvrAgent.py, made the checking 
> function bypass the actual check and it helped: ports are not in errdisable 
> state anymore. But despite of xceivers are detected correctly, links aren't 
> coming up (they are in notconnect state).
> If anyone possibly have does have a sacred knowledge of bringing off-branded 
> transceivers to life on Arista switches, your help'd be very appreciated. 
> Thanks.

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