You can use Google Domains to register a domain and then use that as your
email within GMail.

On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 9:11 AM, sam <> wrote:

> Hello if this is not appropriate for this list please excuse me and
> disregard this email. I thought of no better place than this place however
> if there is a better place for this email please advise and I will direct
> the email and the student to the questions.
> I received an email form a student this morning asking the following
> questions.
> 1.      Are there any email providers that market to professional but offer
> a student rate or are of good quality but inexpensive etc..
> 2.      I have looked at the Microsoft exchange server in the cloud while
> it
> looks promising it does not seems to fit my cost ratio
> 3.      I would mainly like to be able to have a professional email address
> so when I apply for jobs and other business of that sort I can be seen as a
> professional and to gather my email from various sources i.e. Gmail,
> Hotmail
> etc. and to present a more professional appearance to my work and school
> work etc..
> I responded that he should look at google apps, however his questions got
> me
> thinking and I google around for an answer to give him, however I am not as
> well versed as I should be in the cloud besides for backup service and
> active directory management. I would like to know if you guys have any
> places I own give the student.
> Thanks
> Samual
> Office of technology education
> Please excuse grammar and spelling errors as this was typed on a
> smartphone.
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