ATT TP76300, section 4 goes over installation best practices,  although it 
doesn't cover Engineering guidelines.  It's adapted from the Telcordia  GR - 
1275 standard,  little easier to read.  Is there a specific question you're 
looking to answer?

-----Original Message-----
From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Naslund, Steve
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2016 10:18 AM
Subject: RE: Best practices for telcoflex -48VDC cabling & other power OSI 
layer 1

Not sure where to find it exactly but the Bellcore power wiring standard is 
what is used for central office installations.  I think if you google Bellcore 
standard you will find what you are looking for.

Steven Naslund
Chicago IL

-----Original Message-----
From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Eric Kuhnke
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2016 11:12 AM
Subject: Best practices for telcoflex -48VDC cabling & other power OSI layer 1

Hey all,

I'm looking for a document or set of photos/presentation on best practices for 
telcoflex/-48VDC power cabling installation. Labeling, routing, organization 
and termination, etc. Or a recommendation on a printed book that covers this 

Not necessarily fully oldschool "we're going to teach all the technicians how 
to do the kansas city stitch" stuff, but the sort of thing that's applicable in 
a modern colo/IP network environment.

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