My how the world has changed!
On 7/1/2016 21:28, Edgar Carver wrote:
Hello NANOG community. I was directed here by our network administrator
since she is on vacation.
I am Old School, I guess. In my day Step One would be "Fire the
administrator." The job is by nature a 24 X 7 X 52 job and "On Call"
the rest of the time. "Vacation" is never a reason to leave your
assignment insecure.
"NAT-based firewall"? Really?
How long has the consultant been out of business?
Luckily, I minored in Computer Science so I have
some familiarity.
I have no idea how I fat-fingered a "send" at this point/
I started to write that you have an emergency on your hands and you need
to focus your attention of finding a person or firm that can take charge
and fix problems you don't even know about yet.
A "Dear Abby" approach is going do way more harm than good.
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by
its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole
life believing that it is stupid."
--Albert Einstein
From Larry's Cox account.