On Fri, 1 Jul 2016, Mike Jones wrote: > Hi, > > I am in contact with a couple of network operators trying to prod them > to deploy IPv6, I figured that 10 minutes to send a couple of emails > was worth the effort to make them "see a customer demand" (now none of > them can use the excuse that nobody has asked for it!), but the > replies I got were less than impressive to say the least.
When I talked to one European residential cable provider ca. 2008 they used a similar argument. Fast forward to 2016 and IPv6 (and dual stack lite) is *the* way they provide Internet access those days. The reason is simple: their growth rate is way too high to provide IPv4 to everyone at this point. If the provider is still using the "see a customer demand" argument this could mean their IPv4 demand may not be growing fast enough. Depending on the market they operate on this an be an indication that their market growth rate may not be fast enough. Maybe their customer demand for IP(v4) leaves something to be desired? Or they sit on some almost empty /8s. Marcin