On Sat, Jun 25, 2016 at 6:29 AM, Bruce Simpson <b...@fastmail.net> wrote:

> On 24/06/16 18:31, joel jaeggli wrote:
>> you can filter multicast destination addresses by acl.
>> NDP you kinda need since it replaces ARP
>> RA's you can and should filter (icmp6 type 134)
> Data point, although the chances of you using this kit in an IX are slim
> to none: The HPE-badged H3C workgroup switches are problematic to configure
> this for.
> 1) The web GUI is woefully unable to do it right, and HP do not officially
> sanction the use of the CLI.

​haha! you said gui and switch configuration...

Errm, 'do not officially sanction the use of the CLI' ? Did you promptly
'not officially sanction their use in your nettwork?' If not, I think I see
your problem...​

> 2) IPv6 packet ACLs only appear to be supported per-port on *ingress*.
​I think this might actually be the case for quite a few
devices/manufacturers actually. It's nice that for mcast on v6 you actually
mostly care about that on ingress though :)​

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