You assume things like "nobody's business" has something to do with "extracting 


Composed on a virtual keyboard, please forgive typos. 

> On Jun 19, 2016, at 13:02, David Barak <> wrote:
> Gotta watch out for specifying T1 when you want Ethernet- they could just 
> give you 4 wires on pins 1,2,4,5 :)
> I see the problem as misunderstanding what "physical" actually means: 4-wire 
> twisted pair is different from 8-wire, is different from coax, is different 
> from SMF etc.  what gets run over it is nobody's business but the person 
> controlling the end points.
> David Barak
> Sent from mobile device, please excuse autocorrection artifacts
>> On Jun 19, 2016, at 8:30 AM, Patrick W. Gilmore <> wrote:
>> Actually, back in the T1/T3 days, colos frequently asked what you ran on the 
>> cable and then charged you based on the capacity of the circuit - even when 
>> it was the same exact cable. Of course, none of us would ever ask for T1 
>> xconn then run ethernet over it.
>> Colo providers are absolutely worried about drops in xconn revenue. Look at 
>> some large colo providers who are public and split out their numbers. You’ll 
>> see that the percentage of their profit from xconns is usually more than 
>> double the percentage of their revenue from xconns. Put another way, if 
>> xconn revenue drops by 10%, their profit drops by over 20%. How many public 
>> companies can shrug off a 20% drop in EPS? I submit: Not very many.
>> This is not surprising. When you build your business on the ignorance of 
>> your customers, you are in a world of hurt once your customers learn even a 
>> little bit more.
>> -- 
>> TTFN,
>> patrick
>>> On Jun 19, 2016, at 10:13 AM, jim deleskie <> wrote:
>>> I don't buy this.  They sold you one cable before, they sell you cable now.
>>> Little difference then we moved customers from a T1 to  T3 back in the
>>> 90's.  If Colo's can't understand more then 20+ yrs of evolution its hardly
>>> right to blame it on the market.
>>> -jim
>>> Mimir Networks
>>>> On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 11:07 AM, Mike Hammett <> wrote:
>>>> Before 100G, you'd need ten cross connects to move 100G. Now you'd need
>>>> only one. That's a big drop in revenue.
>>>> -----
>>>> Mike Hammett
>>>> Intelligent Computing Solutions
>>>> Midwest Internet Exchange
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Brandon Butterworth" <>
>>>> To:,
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2016 8:55:57 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: cross connects and their pound of flesh
>>>> Dave Temkin <> wrote:
>>>>> And as colo operators get freaked out over margin compression on the
>>>>> impending 10->100G conversion (which is happening exponentially faster
>>>> than
>>>>> 100->1G & 1G->10G) they'll need to move those levers of spend around
>>>>> regardless.
>>>> If they've based their model on extracting profit proportional
>>>> to technology speed then they've misunderstood Moore's law
>>>> brandon

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