Thank you!

I got one more reply off-list - and again it is connected to SamKnows.

But I can't figure out what SamKnows uses as the destination for tests?

On 13.06.16 23:04, Eric Dugas wrote:
> CIRA (.CA) started a project one or two years ago: 
> CRTC (Canadian equivalent of the FCC) also conducted tests by sending test 
> boxes to volunteers: and 
> Eric
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Max Tulyev
> Sent: June 13, 2016 3:12 PM
> To: NANOG list <>
> Subject: Measuring the quality of Internet access
> Hi All,
> I know there are many people from many countries.
> Do you know something about mandatory measurements of Internet access quality 
> from country telecom regulators? If yes, could you please share that 
> information with me?
> I found ETSI EG 202 057-4 standard
> (,
> but in fact it is about measurements inside operator's network, not Internet 
> access itself.
> Is it possible in general to measure the quality of Internet access? And if 
> yes - how?

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