Is Wednesday night the only social? -- Colin Weir Engineer, Quality of Experience, Comcast Cable Desk: 215-286-5406 Cell: 215-279-1733
________________________________________ From: NANOG <> on behalf of Valerie Wittkop <> Sent: Friday, June 10, 2016 6:14:16 PM To: Matthew Petach Cc: Subject: Re: Sunday night social? Hi Matt - The registration questions built into Cvent are a standard set which is created prior to confirmation of sponsored events. The questions are there as a means to allow potential sponsors to plan accordingly. There is not a Sunday Social taking place in Chicago. Apologies if the standard questions in the registration process caused confusion. You can always check the true schedule of events by visiting the event agenda. Cheers, Valerie On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 5:53 PM, Matthew Petach <> wrote: > > I just finished registering for NANOG 67, and answered Yes to "Will you > be attending the sunday evening social" and booked my flight > accordingly...but now i can't seem to find any details on what time it > starts on the website. Does anyone know what time it starts? > > > > Thanks! > > > > Matt > > > > > -- Valerie Wittkop NANOG Program Director +1.866.902.1336, Ext. 103