On Wed, 8 Jun 2016, Tore Anderson wrote:
I wonder if anyone has attempted to estimate approx. how much RIB/FIB
space a single DFZ route requires in total across the entire internet...
You mean in money? A lot. The problem is that we have so far no feasible
way to make "polluter pay". So people de-aggreggate left/right, because
there is no marginal cost to them, because that cost is instead shared by
I'd imagine the cost to us all is thousands of USD per DFZ slot, if not
more. Per month this might not be huge though...
Let's say we have 100k routers with all DFZ routes (should be correct
magnitude, right?), let's say a router that can take full DFZ instead of
smaller number of routes differ 10kUSD? (right magnitude on average?).
That's a billion dollars in CAPEX then. Divide that by 5 year lifetime of
router, that's 200MUSD per year. Divide that by 100k extra routes that are
in the DFZ because nobody is paying for it and you get 2kUSD per year per
I hope I got the math right...
But even 2kUSD per year per route isn't significant amount of money, I
still think quite a lot of these routes would get advertised even if each
DFZ-prefix came with a cost.
So I also think that is part of the reason we don't have a charging system
for DFZ slots, because getting that charging infrastructure to work isn't
worth it, the benefit of this complication isn't enough.
Mikael Abrahamsson email: swm...@swm.pp.se