> We are currently planning to upgrade our monitoring system (Opsview) due
> to scalability issues and I was wondering what do you recommend for
> monitoring
> 5000 hosts and 35000 services. We would like to use a monitoring system that

Another consideration is check_mk.  We use it in our shop.  The check_mk people 
wrapped a bunch of python around the Nagios notification engine.  No longer do 
you need to worry about the tedium of nagios config files, those are all built 
automatically from commands from a gui or from a single configuration file.

Check_mk has a benchmarking page which scales to more hosts than you specified:

For an architecture diagram of how they use nagios for alerting, and python for 

If an included agent isn't available, new ones can be written.  

We are quite happy with the solution.  We've replaced cricket, cacti, nagios, 
observium, and a little bit of smokeping with this almost all in one tool.

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