On 5/31/16 2:53 PM, Dennis Burgess wrote:
I would suggest getting a new consultant .. :)
What Dennis said.
Lol got me! There is nothing that I know of that you have to "license" to
become a ISP in the US of A. . You do have to fill out Form 477 twice a year. :)
But only if you provide:
- facilities-based broadband services, and/or,
- provide wired or fixed wireless local exchange telephone service
- provide interconnected VoIP service
- provide facilities based wireless telephony
(see https://transition.fcc.gov/form477/WhoMustFileForm477.pdf)
If you provide basic dial-up services, or wireless Internet over
unlicensed channels - there's no licensing requirement whatever.
As Dennis said - first get a new consultant. Look for one who can work
through your service model - what you're going to be selling, to whom,
using what technology(ies) - and work from there to whatever licenses
(if any) that you require.
Miles Fidelman
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra