What PFSense currently lacks in brand name recognition, they can make up
with by the fact that they offer paid support at very affordable levels.

I'd go with https://store.pfsense.org/SG-2440/ ($499 each) and a quote for
professional services  (
https://store.pfsense.org/Professional-Services.aspx ) to back that up.

On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 10:53 AM, Ken Chase <m...@sizone.org> wrote:

> Looking around at different SMB firewalls to standardize on so we can start
> training up our level 2/3 techs instead of dealing with a mess of
> different vendors
> at cust premises.
> I've run into a few firewalls that were not sip or 323 friendly however,
> wondering
> what your experiences are. Need something cheap enough (certainly <$1k,
> <$500-750 better)
> that we are comfortable telling endpoints to toss current gear/buy
> additional gear.
> Basic firewalling of course is covered, but also need port range forwarding
> (not available until later ASA versions for eg was an issue), QoS
> (port/flow
> based as well as possibly actually talking some real QoS protocols) and VPN
> capabilities (not sure if many do without #seats licensing schemes which
> get
> irritating to clients).
> We'd like a bit of diagnostic capability (say tcpdump or the like, via
> shell
> preferred) - I realize a PFsense unit would be great, but might not have
> enough brand name recognition to make the master client happy plopping
> down as
> a CPE at end client sites. (I know, "there's only one brand, Cisco."
> ASA5506x is a
> bit $$ and licensing acrobatics get irritating for end customers.)
> /kc
> --
> Ken Chase - Guelph Canada

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