> On Apr 14, 2016, at 10:43 PM, Jean-Francois Mezei 
> <jfmezei_na...@vaxination.ca> wrote:
> Also, have cablecos with such limits for upstream begun to upgrade the
> cable plant to increase the upstream bandwidth ? Canadian cablecos have
> told the regulator it would be prohibitively expensive to do so, but
> incumbents tend to exagerate these things when it is convenient. (they
> can then claim higher costs/congestion/need for node splits which
> increates regulated wholesale rates).

Going to D3.1 in a meaningful way means migrating to either a mid-split at 85 
MHz or a high split at 200 MHz (117 MHz is in the spec but I've never heard 
anyone talk about it).  It is not uncommon to see space (both for the upstream 
and downstream) freed up by sunsetting analog video channels.  Yes, one has to 
do a truck roll and swap out amplifiers etc. but that is relatively 
straightforward.  The "guts" pop out of the enclosure that hangs from the 
messenger wire and are then replaced.  You don't need to actually put a wrench 
on a coax connector in order to do this.  There may need to be plant 
rebalancing (checking and possibly replacing tilt compensators) but that's 
something that should be happening on an annual basis or perhaps more often, 
depending on local practice.

Fiber nodes are similar in terms of work to swap them out, though they may be 
more modular inside.

Amplifier insides:  
Fiber node insides:  

Passives (splitters, directional taps, terminators, and the like) are 
bidirectional and typically do not need to be replaced.

Possibly useful reading for folks who want an overview of how it all goes 

Without having read the Canadian cable providers' representations to the CRTC I 
am ill-equipped to pass judgemenent on them, but in my personal opinion any 
discussion of "D3.1 deployment" that doesn't plan for a refactoring of splits 
is a bit dishonest.

> And would it be correct that in RFoG deployment, the 42mhz limit
> disapears as the customer equipment talks directly tothe CMTS over fibre
> all the way ?

RFoG is its own kettle of fish.  Getting more than one channel on upstream for 
RFoG is hard.  There's a scheduler for transmitting on individual RF channels, 
but not for the upstream laser, so you could have two lasers coming on at the 
same time when two cablemodems (assume legacy D3.0 for a moment) transmit 
simultaneously on 19.40 MHz and 30.60 MHz - in an HFC plant where the mixing 
happens between two different radio frequencies in a copper wire and then feeds 
an single upstream fiber node, one doesn't have this problem.


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