In a message written on Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 12:29:39AM -0000, John Levine 
> The people on nanog are not typical.  I looked around for statistics
> and didn't find much, but it looks like only a few percent of numbers
> are ported each month, and it's often the same numbers being ported
> repeatedly.

It's a big issue for political pollers, and they have some data:

    "roughly half (47%) of U.S. adults whose only phone is a cellphone."

    "in a recent national poll, 8% of people interviewed by cellphone in
     California had a phone number from a state other than California.
     Similarly, of the people called on a cellphone number associated with
     California, 10% were interviewed in a different state."

So maybe 10% of all cell phones are primarly used in the "wrong" area?

Leo Bicknell -
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