I downloaded it in the past and can¹t remember having any issues
downloading itŠ Getting it to work in my environment was a bit more
challenging, however.  I do have a Juniper login which is required.  I
also just verified that I can download application package:

MD5 SHA1 <https://www.juniper.net/support/downloads/?p=vmx>
28 Dec 2015

You need to be logged in to download the vMX archive as well as the eval
license key.  Both I was able to get once logged in.



On 4/13/16, 5:54 PM, "NANOG on behalf of Bruce Simpson"
<nanog-boun...@nanog.org on behalf of b...@fastmail.net> wrote:

>Pardon if this is off-topic -- but this is really beginning to wind me up.
>So, http://www.juniper.net/us/en/dm/free-vmx-trial/ shows that Juniper
>Networks vMX is available for a 60-day evaluation. This requires filling
>out a form to create an account on juniper.net.
>I don't currently have such a login. $CLIENT filled out such a form well
>over a month ago, and never heard anything back. Normally, I'd expect to
>be able to download as soon as an account is approved. Meanwhile, we get
>preoccupied with other tasks.
>Is some special magic required to acquire an evaluation copy? The 60 day
>trial license is directly downloadable from the above link, but the
>tarball is not. $CLIENT was just referred to it by $RESELLER.

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