On Mon, 11 Apr 2016 21:13:48 +0200, Niels Bakker said:
> * baldur.nordd...@gmail.com (Baldur Norddahl) [Mon 11 Apr 2016, 21:02 CEST]:
> >They should stop giving out coordinates on houses period. Move the
> >coordinate to the nearest street intersection if you need to be that
> >precise (I would prefer nearest town square). Anything more than that
> >should be illegal.
> That's going to make USPS's and FedEx's lives a lot harder.

Are they in the habit of delivering to a location identified by an IP
address?  I've never managed to get either one to deliver to anything
other than a street address (and in fact, we recently had to assign street
addresses to all the buildings on campus because too many GPS-based programs
only work on street addresses, not building names).

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