(Sorry about formatting - posting on my phone)

Other things might need to make sure of is reverse DNS to differentiate between 
customers if at all possible, accurate Whois and separate Whois records for 
static assigned blocks, etc.

No guarantees of a fix, but general good practices when this stuff comes up.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 10, 2016, at 9:31 AM, a.l.m.bu...@lboro.ac.uk wrote:
> Hi,
>> The problem is IPv6-enabled customers complaints see captcha, and Google
>> NOC refuses to help solve it saying like find out some of your customer
>> violating some of our policy. As you can imagine, this is not possible.
> your customers are getting AAAA addresses when looking up google 
> addresses...so their
> clients are trying to use IPv6 to talk to google..... so doing anything to 
> that traffic - blackholing
> or just denying it, WILL affect the clients. 
> give clients their own bigger blocks - or identify the clients violating 
> policy (what the policy
> they are violating?) - you'll probably find the ones getting the captchas are 
> the ones violating! ;-)
> alan

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