ZTE 5950 serie MPLS routing switches are about 1500 to 3000 USD depending
on configuration. They have a 4x 10G subcard. The CLI is very Cisco like.

The ZTE 5960 has 32 or 64 x 10G but starts at 5k-6k.


Den 7. apr. 2016 02.05 skrev "Mike" <mike-na...@tiedyenetworks.com>:

> Hi,
>     Im looking to deploy more mpls in my network. I like the Cisco 3600X
> series but the low density of 10g ports has me wanting to consider perhaps
> others. I would love a minimum of 4 10g ports but of course more is better.
> Cost would also be a factor. What are people using these days?
> Thanks.
> Mike-

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