"Eliminates media stream buffering”

Well, hell… my job is done here. [drops mic, walks out]

> On Mar 19, 2016, at 4:16 PM, Warren Kumari <war...@kumari.net> wrote:
> Found on Staple's website:
> http://www.staples.com/NetReset-Automated-Power-Cycler-for-Modems-and-Routers/product_1985686
> Fixes all issues, less downtime, less stress...
> Improves performance, eliminates buffering...
> It slices, it dices in teeny, tiny slices.
> It makes mounds of julienne fries in just seconds.
> ...
> Description - copied here for convenience:
> All the issues associated with the Internet being down can be solved by
> power cycling the modem and router. But that can be hard to do! NetReset
> resolves network issues by offering sequential power cycling. This means
> that when the modem and router are plugged into the device, they are
> powered up at different times. The modem is powered up first, then a minute
> later, the router is powered up. This rebooting will occur at initial
> setup, every 24 hours and after a power failure. Do you have a modem/router
> combo? No problem! NetReset will also power cycle the modem/router combo.
> Automatically resets user's Internet every 24 hours
> Maximizes Internet speed & reliability
> Eliminates media stream buffering
> Hands-free Internet reset
> Resets hard-to-reach modem/router
> Less Internet downtime
> Less daily stress
> No need to manually reset
> Reset occurs at programmed time
> Updated information from Internet service provider
> Proper reboot after a power failure
> Resetting allows equipment to auto-correct issues

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