Lol! I am very dextrous... But I prep by pulling off many pieces of tape at
once and lining them up in advance. They don't need to go on perfectly. In
fact, a few wrinkles help to keep the padding in place better than no

Put a wire around the roll of tape and connect it to a small carabiner that
you can clip to the rack or to other stable items wherever you're working
(not individual cables in case you dislodge them).

On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 11:58 PM, <> wrote:

> On Sun, 13 Mar 2016 22:21:48 -0400, "Oliver O'Boyle" said:
> > Just place a piece of tape under the padding and it won't slide anymore.
> 5
> > seconds of extra work per end, though.
> I dunno. Your dexterity must be better than mine.  I'd have trouble
> digging up
> the roll of tape, removing a section, putting the tape roll down, and
> applying
> the tape to the cable, all in 5 seconds.
> Especially if you drop it and it manages to bounce through a cutout in the
> raised floor.  That's got to be the single best reason for overhead
> cabling. :)


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