Anyone who is multihomed with cogent ipv6 in their mix should shutdown their 
IPv6 bgp session. Let’s see if we can make their graph freefall.


-----Original Message-----
From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of William Herrin
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2016 7:56 AM
To: Dennis Burgess
Cc: North American Network Operators' Group
Subject: Re: AW: Cogent - Google - HE Fun

On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 10:09 AM, Dennis Burgess 
<<>> wrote:

> Not wishing to get into a pissing war with who is right or wrong, but

> it sounds like google already pays or has an agreement with cogent for

> v4, as that's unaffected, cogent says google is simply not advertising

> v6 prefixes to them, so, how is that cogent's fault?

Hi Dennis,

It's Cogent's fault because: double-billing. Google should not have to pay 
Cogent for a service which you have already paid Cogent to provide to you. 
Cogent's demand is unethical. They intentionally fail to deliver on the basic 
service expectation you pay them for and refuse to do so unless a third party 
to your contract also pays them.

Google, by contrast, makes no demand that Cogent pay them even though you are 
not paying Google for service. They offer "open peering," a free interconnect 
via many neutral data centers.

If you're not single-homed to Cogent and you have the balls for it, I would 
file an outage with Cogent and demand service credit until they resolve their 
IPv6 access problem with Google. And then refuse to pay until they connect with 

If you are single-homed to Cogent, it's *very* important that you do something 
about that before you get burned in a way that matters.


Bill Herrin


William Herrin ................<><> Owner, Dirtside Systems ......... Web: 

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