***disclaimer - info on subject from a shareholder*** :)

Yeah.  In addition to Equinix and a few others  Megaport is expanding pretty 
quickly in US at present.  30+ locations 7 US markets.  Worth a look if you are 
trying to get your Azure and AWS fix from a single provider via 100% SDN, API 
driven platform (also and other services such as AMS-IX peering).  Interesting 
differences such as a flat rate Virtual X-Connect regardless of speed and where 
the other end of the circuit is in the metro.  Day/month/year from 1mbps to 
10gbps.  Been doing elastic interconnects since 2013.


Well known in Asia but less so in US/NANOG hence the first and last public post 
about this.

Anyway, maybe worth a look.



> On 2 Mar 2016, at 9:28 AM, Dave Cohen <craetd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I can confirm that AWS (and Equinix, by extension, from a facility operator
> perspective) permit carriers to have multiple end users share a physical
> interface into the AWS gateway. The key is whether the providers that are
> permitted into the DX environment (I believe AWS has limited the list to
> only 7 or 8 in total - anyone else is reselling capacity off of those
> carriers) are willing to deal with the constraints of that configuration -
> essentially that the carrier needs to take responsibility of engaging
> directly with AWS to associate the EVC on the provider interface with the
> VPC on the AWS interface. I can confirm that at least one provider other
> than Equinix will do this. Point being, it's not an AWS restriction as much
> as whether the provider is willing to get its hands a bit dirtier. My $.02
> at least.
> - Dave
>> On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 7:59 PM, Mike Hammett <na...@ics-il.net> wrote:
>> I haven't heard it from the horse's mouth, but I heard that the only way
>> to have customers share an AWS DX (apparently) cross connect is through
>> Equinix's cloud exchange service. Can anyone confirm that? It doesn't seem
>> right that I could transport people to AWS all day long if they buy their
>> own cross connect, but once we share, I have to go through someone offering
>> a competitive service.
>> -----
>> Mike Hammett
>> Intelligent Computing Solutions
>> http://www.ics-il.com
>> Midwest-IX
>> http://www.midwest-ix.com
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Michael O'Connor" <m...@es.net>
>> To: "Jay R. Ashworth" <j...@baylink.com>
>> Cc: "North American Network Operators' Group" <nanog@nanog.org>
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 1, 2016 2:41:35 PM
>> Subject: Re: AWS Direct Connect - Peering VPCs to Tier 1's and MPLS
>> Jay,
>> VPC is supported over IPsec if your public path is sufficient into the AWS
>> cloud.
>> AWS shortens DirectConnect to DX not DC for some reason.
>> The AWS DirectConnect service is built on 10G infrastructure so using
>> potentially larger interconnects over public peerings with IPsec could be
>> advantageous.
>> DX requires fiber cross connects in addition to any other AWS peerings that
>> you may have at a particular location.
>> -Mike O'Connor
>>>> On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 12:16 PM, Jay R. Ashworth <j...@baylink.com> wrote:
>>> Just got this dropped on my desk an hour ago, and I'm not finding as much
>>> material online as I might have hoped for...
>>> It looks like the easiest solution is to just hang a router/firewall at
>>> Equinix Ashburn and AWS-DC to that, and then peer it to carriers both IP
>>> and
>>> MPLS; is there a "native" way to do that from an AWS VPC instead?
>>> Any public or private replies cheerfully accepted; will summarize what I
>>> can to the list.
>>> Cheers,
>>> -- jra
>>> --
>>> Jay R. Ashworth Baylink
>>> j...@baylink.com
>>> Designer The Things I Think RFC
>>> 2100
>>> Ashworth & Associates http://www.bcp38.info 2000 Land
>>> Rover DII
>>> St Petersburg FL USA BCP38: Ask For It By Name! +1 727 647
>>> 1274
>> --
>> Michael O'Connor
>> ESnet Network Engineering
>> m...@es.net
>> 631 344-7410
> -- 
> - Dave Cohen
> eM: craetd...@gmail.com
> AIM: dCo says
> -- 
> - Dave Cohen
> eM: craetd...@gmail.com
> AIM: dCo says

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