Yes, another post in this ballpark. 

I am remembering someone telling me that cross connects from CH3 (Elk Grove 
Village) to CH1, CH2 or CH4 were not raw glass, but some sort of transport. I 
lose the details, whether it was wave transport, MPLS or something. I remember 
the speed of the connection mattering. 

My Equinix rep tells me that there is no difference from one to the other. I 
take that to mean that I could put my own wave system on the glass and be fine. 
I just have a very hard time believing them, based on what I remember and the 
fact that they've giving me a 25 - 30 mile pair of glass for $350/month. 

I was hoping to see if anyone else had any experience in this department. 

Equinix Cermak apparently today has zero available cabinets of any kind in CH1, 
CH2 or CH4. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 


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