You could use multiple PAT addresses to find the source of information
for the attacker and to reduce the impact by filtering/QOS.

TCP connections PAT IP1 (block UDP before going to the 1G line)
UDP connections PAT IP2

webservers connecting to api hosts - PAT IP3
webservers remaining connections - PAT IP4


2016-02-09 0:14 GMT+01:00 Mitch Dyer <>:
> Hello,
> Hoping someone can point me in the right direction here, even just confirming 
> my suspicions would be incredibly helpful.
> A little bit of background: I have a customer I'm working with that is 
> downstream of a 1Gb link that is experiencing multiple DDoS attacks on a 
> daily basis. Through several captures I've seen what appear to be a mixture 
> of SSDP and DNS amplification attacks (though not at the same time). The 
> attack itself seems to target the PAT address associated with a specific 
> site, if we change the PAT address for the site, the attack targets the new 
> address at the next occurance. We've tried setting up captures and logging 
> inside the network to determine if the SSDP/DNS request originate within the 
> network but that does not appear to be the case.
> We've reached out for some assistance from the upstream carrier but they've 
> only been able to enforce a 24-hour block.
> I'm hoping someone with some experience on this topic would be able to shed 
> some light on a better way to attack this or would be willing to confirm that 
> we are simply SOL without prolonged assistance from the upstream carrier.
> Thanks in advance for any insight.
> Mitch

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