Starting around 7:17 am EST, we lost our IPv4 & IPv6 BGP connections to Cymru. We have two connections in both IPv4 and IPv6 on both of our two routers. On each router one connection is stuck in active, the other providing 0 prefixes. I can’t get to from either work or home. Anyone know what’s up?
- Team Cymru BGP bogon status ??? Matthew Huff
- Re: Team Cymru BGP bogon status ??? Colin Johnston
- Re: Team Cymru BGP bogon status ??? Daniel Corbe
- Re: Team Cymru BGP bogon status ??? Tom Storey
- Re: Team Cymru BGP bogon status ??? Max Tulyev
- Re: Team Cymru BGP bogon status ??? Royce Williams
- Re: Team Cymru BGP bogon status ??? Scott Fisher
- Re: Team Cymru BGP bogon status ??? Matthew Huff
- Re: Team Cymru BGP bogon status ??? Scott Fisher
- Re: Team Cymru BGP bogon status ??? Rob Duffy