"Alex Hargrove" <ahargr...@cgresd.net> writes:

> I just purchased some empty Intel X520-DA2 cards and then picked up
> the E10GSFPSR-compatible optics for them from Fiberstore.

Note that this requirement is implemented in the driver.  YMMV depending
on OS, but in Linux you can disable it with the usual warnings by
setting 'allow_unsupported_sfp=1' :

 bjorn@canardo:~$ modinfo -p ixgbe
 max_vfs:Maximum number of virtual functions to allocate per physical function 
- default is zero and maximum value is 63. (Deprecated) (uint)
 allow_unsupported_sfp:Allow unsupported and untested SFP+ modules on 
82599-based adapters (uint)
 debug:Debug level (0=none,...,16=all) (int)


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