> I've a couple 10 port Cisco switches that support 2.5 and 5gbps over cat5e, 
> just wondering if there are any other vendors out there with offerings that 
> support these newer ethernet speeds. Supporting cat5e for these multi-gig 
> speeds is a real boon in many circumstances given the wide popularity of it 
> in many buildings.
> Does anyone have any experience with or knowledge of other products, switches 
> in particular, supporting 2.5 and 5 gbps?

well, until the standard is ratified, these Multi-Gig offerings are quite 

there are 2 competing camps....hopefully they will be compatible and not end up 
like beta/vhs once the dust settles

camp 1 - http://www.nbaset.org/

camp 2 - http://www.mgbasetalliance.org/

look at those vendors..... I think they hope by avoiding IEEE int he early 
stages and taping silicon they'll 
get the job done quicker - the drive mainly being faster wireless APs and 
cheaper data centre interconnects...


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